Thermal Insulation
Thermal Insulation
EL Moghazeya for Insulating Materials provides all raw materials used in thermal insulation, as thermal insulation is preventing or limiting heat transfer between objects through thermal contact or within the range of radiation emission.
Heat transfer is the transfer of thermal energy between objects through the difference in temperature of these objects, as it is known that heat is a form of energy, so the way to stop thermal emission is to treat it in addition to choosing materials with an appropriate heat capacity.
Thermal insulation provides a mean of maintaining temperature gradient, by providing an insulated area in which heat flux is reduced or heat radiation is reflected rather than absorbed
Advantages of thermal insulation :
Rationalization in the consumption of electrical energy, as scientific experiments have proven that applying the use of thermal insulation in residential buildings and governmental, commercial and industrial facilities reduces electrical energy by rates of up to 40%.
The building maintains the appropriate temperature for a long time without the need to operate air conditioners for long periods of time.
It is allowed to use air conditioners with small capacities, and thus the costs of energy consumption and the equipment used are reduced.
Raising the level of comfort for building users.
Reduces the use of air conditioners, which reduces the health and psychological impact on humans due to the noise generated by the operation of these devices.
Thermal insulation protects the building from weather changes and fluctuations.
It reduces the thickness of concrete walls and ceilings needed to reduce heat transfer into the building.